【创源大讲堂】What do walking and e-hailing bring to the scale economies of on-demand services?

来源:交通运输与物流学院 发布日期:2024-12-09 21:45 浏览次数:1510

讲座名称:What do walking and e-hailing bring to the scale economies of on-demand services?

主讲人:Kenan Zhang, Assistant Professor at the école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)


Kenan Zhang is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and leads the Laboratory for Human-Oriented Mobility Eco-system (HOMES). Her research centers at the mathematical modeling, optimization and operations management of urban transportation systems, with special focus on emerging mobility services and technologies. She received her PhD in Transportation Engineering from Northwestern University. Before joining EPFL, she was a postdoctoral research at ETH Zurich.


The scale economies in on-demand mobility has drawn great attention in both academic and industry as it not only reveals the fundamental service efficiency and provides multiple managerial insights into practice. With a microeconomic model, we investigate the impact of walking and e-hailing the scale economies in ride-hailing services and derive close-formed approximations of the degree of scale economies (DSE) of a ride-hailing market with different matching mechanisms. We show that, although the market exhibits increasing returns to scale in all examined scenarios, e-hailing and walking differ in their influences on the scale economies, particularly in the matching process. Specifically, e-hailing fundamentally changes the market property and compromises the scale economies compared to street-hailing. In contrast, walking only affects the exact value of scale economies, and a street-hailing market is found more sensitive to passengers’ walking behaviors. These analytical results are further demonstrated through simulations on a real network with a range of demand-supply densities.

时间:20241213日(周五) 下午14:0-15:00

地点:西南交通大学犀浦校区交通运输与物流学院 417学术报告厅
