
1. 专业介绍

交通运输专业是西南交通大学轨道交通办学特色的重要支撑,长期坚持党的教育方针和社会主义办学方向,主动适应国家经济发展和交通运输行业重大需求,坚持“立德树人”和 “宽厚基础、通精结合、强化实践、突出创新、特色鲜明”的专业人才培养理念,以培养具有“基础厚、素质高、能力强、后劲足”的交通运输系统规划设计、运营管理和科学研究的创新性复合型人才为目标,使交通运输专业建设水平和本科人才培养质量持续保持国际一流和国内领先。




Transportation major is significant support of Southwest Jiaotong University’s rail transit characteristics and adherence to the Nation''s education policy and the socialist direction of running in the long-term. Associate with the foresight of national economy and transportation industry development, we adhere to foster students’ virtue through education and to the professional training concepts of "Foundation, Integration, Practice, Innovation, Characteristic". With goals of innovative interdisciplinary education, we are training "knowledgeable, high quality, skillful and persistent" talents in fields of transportation system planning, design, operation management, and scientific research. The influence and quality of bachelor education of our major maintain a domestic leading position and first-class internationally.

The history of transportation major can be traced to the founding in 1937 of the department of railway management in TangShan Railway College. The development of this major has been interrupted for several times as the historical reasons. In 1956, the railway transportation major was resumed. In 1998, it was renamed as the transportation major. In 2009, the urban rail transit direction was added. As a result, there are two directions of the transportation major currently, including railway transportation and urban rail transit.

On the basis of on the national key first-class discipline of transportation engineering which is ranked first in domestic, transportation major possesses multi-level, three-dimensional, all-round teaching resources, such as the national reputation teachers, teaching team, the national characteristic major, and national experimental teaching demonstration center. This major occupies the "ten in one" integrated transportation highlands of talent cultivation, and formed mainly work, multidisciplinary cross and innovative talents training of professional characteristic.



Program Code: 081801


Program Name: Transportation

2. 培养目标


This undergraduate program is designed to foster students’ virtue through education and adapt to the needs of socialist modernization and transportation development in the new era. It emphasizes the comprehensive development of students in moral, intelligence, sports, aesthetics and labor education, as well as outstanding scientific, cultural accomplishments and innovative consciousness, profound humanistic heritage, sound personality and health, good sense of social responsibility and professional ethics, high comprehensive transportation system thinking and broad international vision. The students in this program are equipped with strong skills of communication, cultural tolerance, teamwork, and lifelong learning, and master solid mathematics, natural science, and engineering knowledge, systematic rail transit expertise and skills. Students are furnished with the ability to engage in innovative composite talents in planning, engineering implementation, operations management, scientific research and other essential qualities in transportation, especially in rail transport and urban rail transit. After the next 5 years after graduation, students ought to become the technical and management backbone of the position or team, and have the ability to be competent engineers or corresponding titles.

3. 专业毕业要求


Requirements 1 Ideologically Healthy: Loving the motherland, fully understanding Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhering to the socialist core values and having a scientific world outlook and a firm political stand. Having a sense of social responsibility and ambition to strive for national prosperity and industrial development. Having a good sense of social morality and law, and actively adapts to the needs of socialist modernization construction and the development of transportation industry in the new era.

毕业要求2 工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、专业理论基础和技术知识用于解决交通运输领域的规划设计、运输组织等复杂工程问题。

Requirements 2 Engineering Knowledge: Ability to apply mathematics, natural science, professional theoretical basis and technical knowledge to solve the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation, such as planning, design and transportation organization.


Requirements 3 Problem Analysis: Ability to apply basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and transportation engineering disciplines to identify and describe the transportation planning and design, transportation organization and other problems. And based on the literature research, analyzing the specific traffic complex engineering problems, and acquiring an effective conclusion.


Requirements 4 The Designing/Developing Solutions: Ability to formulate solutions to meet specific railway train operation, passenger and cargo transport requirements and processes for the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation. And considering the social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors during the design process, to reflect the innovative consciousness.


Requirements5 Researching: Ability to implement the scientific principles and methods to research the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation, including designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.


Requirements6 The use of modern toolsAbility to develop, select and apply appropriate technologies, resources, modern engineering tools and information technology tools for the complex engineering problems in the field of transportion, including the prediction and simulation of complex engineering problems, and awareness of their limitations.


Requirements7 Engineering and Society: Ability to conduct reasonable analysis based on relevant background knowledge of transportation major, evaluate the impact of professional engineering practice and complex engineering problem solutions on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understanding of the corresponding responsibilities.


Requirements8 Environment and Sustainable Development: Ability to understand and evaluate the impact of the professional engineering practices of complex engineering problems in the field of transportion engineering on environmental and social sustainability.


Requirements9 Professional Norms: Possessing humanistic and social science literacy and social responsibility, and the ability to understand and abide by engineering professional ethics and norms in the practice of transportation problems, and fulfill responsibilities.

毕业要求10 个人和团队:能够在多学科背景下团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。

Requirements 10 Individuals and Teams: Ability to participate in the roles of the individual, team member and leader in a multi-disciplinary team.

毕业要求11 沟通:能够就交通运输规划设计、行车组织A、客运货运等领域中复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。

Requirements 11 Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with transportation industry peers and the public on the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation planning and designing, railway train operation, passenger transport, and freight transport, including writing reports and designing documents, making statements, expressing or responding to instructions clearly. And the ability to communicate in a cross-cultural context with a certain international perspective.

毕业要求12 项目管理:理解并掌握交通运输行业的管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。

Requirements 12 Project Management: Understanding and mastering the management principles and economic decision-making methods of the transportation industry, and applying in a multidisciplinary environment.

毕业要求13 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。

Requirements 13 Lifelong Learning: Possessing the consciousness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and owning the ability of continuous learning and adapting to the development.

4. 学制与学位

学制:四年              Duration:Four Years

学位:工学学士           Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

5. 主干学科与主干课程


Main SubjectTransportation Planning and Management

主干课程:Main Course

(1)通识课程 General Education Courses


Introduction Theoretical System of Socialism, Situation and Policy, College English, Physical Education, Introduction to Traffic and Transportation, Social Science and Ethical Responsibility

(2)学科基础课程 Dicipline Foundation Courses


Higher Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Fundamentals of Computer Programming, College Physics, Engineering Survey, Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing, Engineering Mechanics C, Transportation Economics, Principles of Management Science, Database Technology and Applications, Operations Research

(3)专业基础课程 Specialty Foundational Courses


Railway transportation major: Integration Transportation Engineering, Lines Foundation and Railway Route Selection and Design, Principles of Transportation Planning, Transportation System Analysis, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Safety Engineering, Transportation Market and Business


Urban rail transit major: Public Relations and Crisis Management , Integration Transportation Engineering, Lines Foundation and Railway Route Selection and Design, Principles of Transportation Planning, Transportation System Analysis, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Safety Engineering, Transportation Market and Business

(4)专业课程 Specialized courses


Railway transportation major: Railway Locomotive and Train Traction Calculation, Railway Communication Signal and Train Operation Control, Railway Train Operation, Railway Station and Terminal, Freight Transport Organization, Passenger Transport Organization, Transportation Professional English, Technical Regulations of Railway Operation


Urban rail transit major: Railway Train Operation, Urban Rail Transit Infrastructures and Equipments, Urban Rail Transit Vehicles and Traction Calculation, Communication Signal and Train Control of Urban Rail Transit, Urban Rail Transit Planning and Design, Urban Rail Transit Operation Management, Railway Station and Terminal,  Urban Rail Transit Investment and Project Management, Urban Rail Transit Professional English, Technical Regulations of Urban Rail Transit, Transportation Statistics.

更新时间:2024-03-22 17:37:18


1. 专业介绍

交通运输专业是西南交通大学轨道交通办学特色的重要支撑,长期坚持党的教育方针和社会主义办学方向,主动适应国家经济发展和交通运输行业重大需求,坚持“立德树人”和 “宽厚基础、通精结合、强化实践、突出创新、特色鲜明”的专业人才培养理念,以培养具有“基础厚、素质高、能力强、后劲足”的交通运输系统规划设计、运营管理和科学研究的创新性复合型人才为目标,使交通运输专业建设水平和本科人才培养质量持续保持国际一流和国内领先。




Transportation major is significant support of Southwest Jiaotong University’s rail transit characteristics and adherence to the Nation''s education policy and the socialist direction of running in the long-term. Associate with the foresight of national economy and transportation industry development, we adhere to foster students’ virtue through education and to the professional training concepts of "Foundation, Integration, Practice, Innovation, Characteristic". With goals of innovative interdisciplinary education, we are training "knowledgeable, high quality, skillful and persistent" talents in fields of transportation system planning, design, operation management, and scientific research. The influence and quality of bachelor education of our major maintain a domestic leading position and first-class internationally.

The history of transportation major can be traced to the founding in 1937 of the department of railway management in TangShan Railway College. The development of this major has been interrupted for several times as the historical reasons. In 1956, the railway transportation major was resumed. In 1998, it was renamed as the transportation major. In 2009, the urban rail transit direction was added. As a result, there are two directions of the transportation major currently, including railway transportation and urban rail transit.

On the basis of on the national key first-class discipline of transportation engineering which is ranked first in domestic, transportation major possesses multi-level, three-dimensional, all-round teaching resources, such as the national reputation teachers, teaching team, the national characteristic major, and national experimental teaching demonstration center. This major occupies the "ten in one" integrated transportation highlands of talent cultivation, and formed mainly work, multidisciplinary cross and innovative talents training of professional characteristic.



Program Code: 081801


Program Name: Transportation

2. 培养目标


This undergraduate program is designed to foster students’ virtue through education and adapt to the needs of socialist modernization and transportation development in the new era. It emphasizes the comprehensive development of students in moral, intelligence, sports, aesthetics and labor education, as well as outstanding scientific, cultural accomplishments and innovative consciousness, profound humanistic heritage, sound personality and health, good sense of social responsibility and professional ethics, high comprehensive transportation system thinking and broad international vision. The students in this program are equipped with strong skills of communication, cultural tolerance, teamwork, and lifelong learning, and master solid mathematics, natural science, and engineering knowledge, systematic rail transit expertise and skills. Students are furnished with the ability to engage in innovative composite talents in planning, engineering implementation, operations management, scientific research and other essential qualities in transportation, especially in rail transport and urban rail transit. After the next 5 years after graduation, students ought to become the technical and management backbone of the position or team, and have the ability to be competent engineers or corresponding titles.

3. 专业毕业要求


Requirements 1 Ideologically Healthy: Loving the motherland, fully understanding Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhering to the socialist core values and having a scientific world outlook and a firm political stand. Having a sense of social responsibility and ambition to strive for national prosperity and industrial development. Having a good sense of social morality and law, and actively adapts to the needs of socialist modernization construction and the development of transportation industry in the new era.

毕业要求2 工程知识:能够将数学、自然科学、专业理论基础和技术知识用于解决交通运输领域的规划设计、运输组织等复杂工程问题。

Requirements 2 Engineering Knowledge: Ability to apply mathematics, natural science, professional theoretical basis and technical knowledge to solve the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation, such as planning, design and transportation organization.


Requirements 3 Problem Analysis: Ability to apply basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and transportation engineering disciplines to identify and describe the transportation planning and design, transportation organization and other problems. And based on the literature research, analyzing the specific traffic complex engineering problems, and acquiring an effective conclusion.


Requirements 4 The Designing/Developing Solutions: Ability to formulate solutions to meet specific railway train operation, passenger and cargo transport requirements and processes for the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation. And considering the social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors during the design process, to reflect the innovative consciousness.


Requirements5 Researching: Ability to implement the scientific principles and methods to research the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation, including designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.


Requirements6 The use of modern toolsAbility to develop, select and apply appropriate technologies, resources, modern engineering tools and information technology tools for the complex engineering problems in the field of transportion, including the prediction and simulation of complex engineering problems, and awareness of their limitations.


Requirements7 Engineering and Society: Ability to conduct reasonable analysis based on relevant background knowledge of transportation major, evaluate the impact of professional engineering practice and complex engineering problem solutions on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understanding of the corresponding responsibilities.


Requirements8 Environment and Sustainable Development: Ability to understand and evaluate the impact of the professional engineering practices of complex engineering problems in the field of transportion engineering on environmental and social sustainability.


Requirements9 Professional Norms: Possessing humanistic and social science literacy and social responsibility, and the ability to understand and abide by engineering professional ethics and norms in the practice of transportation problems, and fulfill responsibilities.

毕业要求10 个人和团队:能够在多学科背景下团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。

Requirements 10 Individuals and Teams: Ability to participate in the roles of the individual, team member and leader in a multi-disciplinary team.

毕业要求11 沟通:能够就交通运输规划设计、行车组织A、客运货运等领域中复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。

Requirements 11 Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with transportation industry peers and the public on the complex engineering problems in the field of transportation planning and designing, railway train operation, passenger transport, and freight transport, including writing reports and designing documents, making statements, expressing or responding to instructions clearly. And the ability to communicate in a cross-cultural context with a certain international perspective.

毕业要求12 项目管理:理解并掌握交通运输行业的管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。

Requirements 12 Project Management: Understanding and mastering the management principles and economic decision-making methods of the transportation industry, and applying in a multidisciplinary environment.

毕业要求13 终身学习:具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。

Requirements 13 Lifelong Learning: Possessing the consciousness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and owning the ability of continuous learning and adapting to the development.

4. 学制与学位

学制:四年              Duration:Four Years

学位:工学学士           Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

5. 主干学科与主干课程


Main SubjectTransportation Planning and Management

主干课程:Main Course

(1)通识课程 General Education Courses


Introduction Theoretical System of Socialism, Situation and Policy, College English, Physical Education, Introduction to Traffic and Transportation, Social Science and Ethical Responsibility

(2)学科基础课程 Dicipline Foundation Courses


Higher Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Fundamentals of Computer Programming, College Physics, Engineering Survey, Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing, Engineering Mechanics C, Transportation Economics, Principles of Management Science, Database Technology and Applications, Operations Research

(3)专业基础课程 Specialty Foundational Courses


Railway transportation major: Integration Transportation Engineering, Lines Foundation and Railway Route Selection and Design, Principles of Transportation Planning, Transportation System Analysis, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Safety Engineering, Transportation Market and Business


Urban rail transit major: Public Relations and Crisis Management , Integration Transportation Engineering, Lines Foundation and Railway Route Selection and Design, Principles of Transportation Planning, Transportation System Analysis, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Safety Engineering, Transportation Market and Business

(4)专业课程 Specialized courses


Railway transportation major: Railway Locomotive and Train Traction Calculation, Railway Communication Signal and Train Operation Control, Railway Train Operation, Railway Station and Terminal, Freight Transport Organization, Passenger Transport Organization, Transportation Professional English, Technical Regulations of Railway Operation


Urban rail transit major: Railway Train Operation, Urban Rail Transit Infrastructures and Equipments, Urban Rail Transit Vehicles and Traction Calculation, Communication Signal and Train Control of Urban Rail Transit, Urban Rail Transit Planning and Design, Urban Rail Transit Operation Management, Railway Station and Terminal,  Urban Rail Transit Investment and Project Management, Urban Rail Transit Professional English, Technical Regulations of Urban Rail Transit, Transportation Statistics.

更新时间:2024-03-22 17:37:18